Citrouill'Art (Pumpkin-Art contest) is back to the museum for a third year!

How to participate?
It's very simple. Just drop your masterpiece to the Museum on Tuesday or Wednesday, October 25 sand 26, between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Registration is free, but there are plenty of prizes to win! There are three categories
  1. young child care and primary school 
  2. teenagers from 13 to 17 years and 
  3. adults
Pumpkins will be on display on Saturday and Sunday, October 29 and 30. Visitors are invited to vote to determine the winners! Young people under 18 can vote free (one vote per person), but any adult should make a donation of $ 5 to vote for a chance to win prizes donated by merchants of the village, including a Montreal Canadian sweater autographed by the number 3, Émile "Butch" Bouchard.

At the end of the day on Sunday, October 30, we will determine the prices offered to participants who completed the most original pumpkin according to the public vote.

A green contest
Any pumpkin decorated, but not claimed by one of its authors, will also be resumed as from 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30 ... an environmentally friendly way to recover these perishable products to decorate your home for Halloween!

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